Sunday, March 21, 2010

Day 24- Matthew 18:12-14

I'm writing about this one because I thought that it was happening to me today. I was afraid that one of the preschoolers at church (the pastor's kid, Jackson, specifically) had disappeared because he said he was going to put something away in the other room and didn't come back after a couple of minutes. I went to look for him, but couldn't go far or the other 3 kids I was watching would be left unattended. Luckily, there was a lady who showed up at the door of the classroom and she said that she could go to look for him. She came back and said that she had found him in church with his mom. He had been hanging out in the classroom before church started, but he wasn't checked in yet. Plus, he usually sits with his mom in the service during worship. It turns out that the kids at church are allowed to roam freely if their parents haven't checked them in, but the preschool teacher in me still felt responsible for him. Chalk it up to a year of making sure that there is 1 adult per 8 kids and making sure that they're never out of sight.

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