Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day 12- Romans 8:28-30

Yes, I skipped a few days, but it was because the ones that I had written on days 9-11 were too personal or they were just lame... I'm sure that will happen a few more times during this Lent experience. Moving on...

Everything in life happens for a reason and there is a purpose, even if it's hard to understand at the time. The one that sticks out in my mind was when my friend, Kirk Cutrell, died during our sophomore year of high school. I remember trying so hard to understand why he died an unexpected death at the age of 15 and thinking there could never be any good that came from it. It wasn't until I was teaching high school and 4 students died during my 2 years there, that I realized how much that tragic situation had caused me to learn. I was able to relate to what those kids were going through because I had been in the exact same situation when I was their age. I'm sure that other people who dealt with Kirk's death also had learning experiences that were different from mine, but I think that a lot of us were able to apply that terrible situation later on in life. I would still rather have him here on earth, but I know that his dying caused myself and others to break. I also know that one's area of brokenness can usually end up being their greatest ministry.

Question: When was a time that you suffered tragedy and were later able to see God's hand in it?

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