Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Cute kid story #2

A couple of weeks ago, I made the mistake of getting bangs again. When I went back to work the next Monday, I found that my hairstyle is almost exactly the same as Allison's. She's my favorite little left-handed Scorpio, but I still don't want to have the same haircut as a 5 year old.

Allison walked by me this morning and Kim said, "There goes your hair twin." Then she says to her, "Allison, do you and Miss Jenna have the same haircut right now?" Allison's response was, "Yea... except Miss Jenna has more gray hairs than I do." Sounds like I may need to start dyeing my hair again...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Cute kid story

I'm going to try to be better about remembering to write down the funny things that the kids at the CDC say. My personal favorite was from a week ago when I was talking to Emily (the most theatrical little redhead one will ever meet). Here's the conversation:

Jenna: "Ooh Emily, I like your pretty pink nail polish."
Emily (holding up both of her pointer fingers): "Thank you... it gets scraped off of these ones when I pick my boogers."

I stifled my laughter and my stomach churned a little at the same time. Then I immediately went to tell Kim because you can't keep a conversation like that to yourself.