Saturday, February 20, 2010

Day 4- Psalm 37:4-7

Up until a few years ago, I had thought that Psalm 37:4 meant that I would get what I wanted when I took delight in the Lord. Sort of like He was a genie who would grant my wishes if I was nice to Him and did the things I was supposed to. Tim Yee spoke about this verse and was saying that God plants certain desires in each of us when we're taking delight in Him. If I'm truly worshiping God with my entire life, then I'll know the things that I'm supposed to do. If I light up around kids or people with disabilities, then He's showing me that it's my heart's desire to work with those populations of people. Being still in God's presence, waiting patiently for Him to act. These are times when He reveals Himself to each of us.

Question: When have you known that you were taking delight in the Lord? Did He show you anything about your desires at that time?

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