We were talking about having freedom in Christ last night during bible study because of going through Galatians. I have loved studying this book because Paul talks so much about experiencing God's grace and he emphasizes that it is not about obeying the law. In Galatians 3:11, it says, "So it is clear that no one can be made right with God by trying to keep the law. For the Scriptures say, 'It is through faith that a righteous person has life.' "
I have spent the majority of my time as a Christian being concerned with obeying the rules, trying to be kind to others, going to church, etc., and treating my relationship with Jesus like a checklist. God loves me no matter what I do for Him because I'm His child. On the other hand, there are things that I want to do to show Him how much I love Him and I think that's why the legalism occurs. It ends up that I do things because I think He'll appreciate it, but those things don't matter if my heart isn't in it... and the bottom line is that it all comes down to the heart. There's a song by Ginny Owens called, "I Am Nothing," where she sings about how she could cross the oceans to tell people about Jesus, teach Sunday School, give away all of her money, etc., "but if I do not love, I am nothing." If I'm doing anything and saying that it's for Jesus while not really thinking about Him, then it's wrong. It means that I'm trying to gain His approval and I'm being completely legalistic.
I don't need to do anything to be loved by God. I should WANT to do things because of having a relationship with Him, but He loves me unconditionally- no matter what my attitude is. If I'm reading my bible, it needs to be because I want to learn more about the Lord and grow deeper in my relationship with Him. It shouldn't be because I have devotions and I need to get them done at some point during the day to make me a better Christian. If I'm going to church, it needs to be because I want to worship Jesus. Not because it's 5:30 on Saturday night and that's where I always am during that day and time. I don't think He wants people doing things for Him just because they're part of a routine.
I'm still grappling with all of this and haven't come up with a clear answer. I know that all of my actions do need to be done with love, but I'm also aware of the fact that there are times when I need to be responsible and do things that I don't feel like doing. There are going to be times when my heart isn't in something that I'm doing for God, but I'll still need to follow through with them. It's so hard to find the line where something is being done out of obligation and fear instead of out of joy and love. God's grace is the only thing that can allow me to experience that joy and love, though.
I'll end with this analogy... I love babies and have been around when a lot of them were newborns. The fascinating thing about them is how much people adore them, even though they're not able to DO anything for another person. They cry, they eat, they smile, they poop, they laugh, etc., but they're not going to do the dishes, join you over a cup of coffee, or give you advice on a major decision. They bring so much joy to the people who love them, though, just because of who they are and because of spending time with them. I think that's the way God looks at us as His children. I don't need to do anything to make Him love me. I just need to be aware of His presence and while I'm doing that, He's probably up there saying, "Look at Jenna, she's working hard to show how much she loves me, but she doesn't need to because I'm just so happy that she's one of my children."
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