Tuesday, November 3, 2009

How to Reverse Trick-or-Treat in 5 Easy Steps

On Halloween, Chad, Mikkele, Emmy, and I went reverse trick-or-treating around Chad and Emmy's apartment complex. Here's how to do this:

1) Get Chad to obtain a door with wheels from the theater department.

2) Have one person knock on the door of someone who has their porch lights on.

3) Run behind the rolling door that has a "Please Knock" sign on it and wait for one of the people in the house to knock on it.

4) Open the door dressed as old people, gush over the other person's costume, and give them candy.

5) Repeat at the next house.

Here's a picture of the 4 of us dressed up.
There are also 2 videos on facebook, but I'm not technologically savvy enough to figure out how to upload them here.

1 comment:

Kim said...

that is so funny!