Sunday, December 13, 2009


I was reading someone else's blog today ( and she had written about how God had Adam name the animals before He made Eve for him (Genesis 2:18-22). Her point was that God gave Adam something to do while he was waiting for his future wife. She then went on to list some of the things that have happened in her life while waiting for her future husband. I thought it was really cool to read what those things were (good, bad, and sad) and wanted to make my own list. Here it is, in no particular order:

-Drove across the country to volunteer for 1 year in Kentucky.
-Made amazing, lifelong friendships with many of my housemates in Kentucky.
-Got to know and love a bunch of 3-4 year olds with southern accents and speech impediments.
-Traveled to Hungary, Romania, and Mexico City.
-Held babies at an orphanage in Haiti.
-Moved to Virginia Beach.
-Lived across the street from the beach with awesome girls who loved Jesus.
-Took a hip-hop class.
-Was a counselor at Royal Family Kids' Camp for 4 years in a row. I met 7 little girls who had been through so much trauma in their young lives, but were still strong and resilient.
-Was Cameron's CASA for 4 years.
-Not crying for about 2 years.
-Experiencing unexpected death more than the expected kind (2 friends, 2 cousins, 4 NHS students were unexpected. Mudder and Grandpa Bradshaw were somewhat expected).
-Being heartbroken.
-Getting to be a special ed. teacher for at least 50 students and still having stories about the things that they did.
-Getting to see the friendships that formed between the student tutors in my classroom and my students.
-Going on a cruise to Mexico with Andrea.
-Going to Hawaii with my mom.
-Getting to go to some fun concerts: Bon Jovi, Matt Wertz (at least 4 times), The Bangles, Ingrid Michaelson, Newsboys, Third Day, David Crowder, Jon McLaughlin (I know there are a ton more, but I can't think of them right now).
-Chicago road trip with my Kentucky housemates.
-Calling that 3 couples were going to get married before they began to date and being the matchmaker for another couple.
-Going contra dancing.

Those were the ones that I could think of, even though I'm sure that there are plenty more.


Mikkele Suzanne said...

you didn't cry for 2 years?

Jenna said...

Yep, that would be in the bad/sad category :(.