Last Saturday night, I was craving hot chocolate and a donut from Krispy Kreme after day 1 of Disaster Relief. I told Turtle that I was thinking of going and asked if she wanted to come with me, which she did. I ended up asking the other 10 or so volunteers who were there if they wanted us to bring some back for them and everyone put in their orders. This ended up being a bad idea and here's how it all went wrong...
We got there and it seemed like a kind of sketchy neighborhood, so I decided to go through the drive-thru instead of going into the store. I started to read the order and this was the conversation that ensued between the Krispy Kreme Lady and me:
JB: I'd like 1 plain, 5 glazed, 1 strawberry filled...
KKL: We don't have strawberry filled ones.
JB: Ok... (taking a look at the menu)... I'll take a raspberry filled one (it was for Louis, he'll eat anything anyway), then 1 custard filled, 1 eclair...
KKL: What's an eclair?
JB: (thinking, "How can you work at a donut shop and not know what an eclair is?!")... uhh... how about a cream-filled one instead?
KKL: Can you pull up to the window?
JB: Ok...
As we're pulling up, Turtle and I are laughing about how placing a Krispy Kreme order was so complicated that I got called to the front window. I got up there and started reading the list to the lady. I apparently messed up again because she asked me to just hand her the list. We waited, they asked a few more questions about the order, finished getting everything together, and we were on our merry way... or so we thought.
We got back to the church, opened up the box that held 1 dozen donuts and found that 1 glazed and 5 plain ones were included in the order. WHAT?! How was it that they had a list written down in front of them and still got the wrong order?! Then, Dee (who hadn't placed an order and was supposed to be included in the 1 of 5 glazed group) took the 1 custard one that was for Turtle and took a huge bite from it right in front of her. After that, we went inside and became very melodramatic while telling everyone else in our group about our disastrous donut experience. The end.
p.s. This blog probably would have been better if I had written it immediately after it happened, but we didn't have much internet last week.
Is there another Dee in your life?
Also, Louis will eat anything. I've thoroughly enjoyed that he made both of your last two posts.
Yep, and she's essentially the same as the other one (as you can tell from that story).
Louis making both of my posts was because of spending an entire week with him. Don't worry, though, I didn't cry when I said goodbye to him this time.
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