Saturday, December 27, 2008


I forgot to write about this on the day that it actually happened, but I'll try to describe it now...

I went to the airport in Lexington last week because I was flying back to CA. I made it past security without a problem, then went to find something to eat since it was 5:30am. I bought my overpriced muffin and orange juice at a little coffee shop there and began eating my breakfast. Once I had almost finished eating, I heard over the loudspeaker in the airport, "Will the passenger, Jenna Boyd, please report to security and ask for a supervisor" (they said this twice in a row). I immediately pick up all of my things and go to security because I don't want to hear this lady on the loudspeaker again. I go to the security checkpoint, tell the guy who I am, and ask for a supervisor (I'm such a good directions follower). Anyway, he gets the supervisor and she asks me what I do for a living. I tell her, "I'm a volunteer with the Christian Appalachian Project." She asks if I do any type of construction for a living and I tell her that I'm working with 3-4 year olds in a child development center. They said that they had found some glass in my CHECKED baggage and they weren't sure what it was. I told them that they were bottles of jam from the Amish bakery in Brodhead, KY, and that I was bringing them back to CA as Christmas presents, "because it's Christmastime," I said somewhat sarcastically. It was pretty funny answering those questions, though, because I couldn't have sounded more innocent... Christian Appalachian Project, working with toddlers, Amish bakery... could I sound like less of a terrorist?! They ended up letting me go and I didn't have any other problems making my way back to Orange County.

Thursday, December 25, 2008


I should have written this blog awhile ago, but better late than never. Here's the story... at the beginning of December, I was on facebook and found an event for "Christmastime at Traveler's Rest Plantation." It was in Nashville (about 3 hours from our house), it was a dinner and dance (2 of my favorite things), and Matt Wertz and Brandon Heath were playing at it (Matt Wertz! I love him!). It said that it was a global invitation on facebook, but I wanted to check and make sure that anyone could go to it before driving 3 hours to Nashville. Kim and I called Traveler's Rest Plantation to ask about the event and they said that there wasn't anything scheduled for that Saturday. I decided to email the creator of the event and these are the emails that went back and forth:

Jenna: I had a couple of questions about the event on Saturday night... first of all, is anyone invited to it? I know that it said you can invite your friends, but I just happened to see this event online and wasn't on the original guest list... I just wanted to double check and make sure that we don't get turned away at the door since we're driving from Kentucky. 2nd question... is it still at Traveler's Rest Plantation? We called today to ask about the first thing and they said there wasn't an event scheduled there for Saturday night. I wanted to double check on that, too.

Girls Who Thinks I'm a Stalker: Hi there, Jenna. You can definitely bring people, so come on down. And as far as I know, it's still at Traveler's Rest...but I'm not on the party planning team. Can you tell me who invited you? They may have a better idea than I...

Jenna: Thanks so much for writing back! I had just stumbled on the event when I was looking for Matt Wertz concerts on here, so I wasn't technically invited by anyone... that's why I had wanted to check before we came down there. It sounds like they'll let us in, though, so that's good to hear :).

GWTIAS: Just so you know, though, this isn't a Matt Wertz concert in any way, shape, or form. This is Christmas party for friends who are interested in supporting a cause that is very close to the hearts of a group of guys down here.

Because this isn't a fan forum, you probably shouldn't travel all the way down. I have let the team at the door know you might be coming, and if they're uncomfortable with you being there, they may turn you away. I know it sounds extreme, but there have instances with "fans" at events like this in the past and we're all pretty protective over Matt and the rest of the guys.

Thanks for understanding, Jenna.

Jenna: Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry and I totally understand protecting them! I thought that they were playing music for this dance and that it was going toward this cause. We won't be coming down now because I don't want to be thought of as a stalker. Thanks for clarifying and don't worry, we won't be there on Saturday night.

GWTIAS: No no, it's totally fine, Jenna. And I'm sorry I had to draw such a hard line. It's just that situations have cropped up in the past and no one had known how to respond. So perhaps I'm a bit knee-jerky in my responses.

Thank you thank you for understanding. I sincerely appreciate candor.

So there's the story of how I became known as Matt Wertz's stalker.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Santa's List

During play time today, Kylee (she's 4 years old going on about 75) came over to me and asked, "How do you spell 'squirt in the face with soap?' " I asked her why she would need to know how to spell that since it was kind of a strange request. She said that she was writing a letter to Santa and telling him about all of the bad things that one of the other girls had done this year. This kid (who I'll leave nameless) bites and smacks the other kids AT LEAST once per day and she usually picks on the weaker ones. I just thought it was hilarious that a 4 year old would think to write a letter to Santa listing the mean things that another kid was doing. It was especially funny because Kylee is one of the sweetest children that I've ever met and I've never imagined her wanting to get another person into trouble. I guess writing to Santa is her way of sticking up for the other kids, though.