Sunday, March 13, 2016

Donald Trunk

A couple of weeks ago, we had the morning news on and they showed a picture of Donald Trump. Elisha looked at the screen and said, "Donald Trunk!... He's my favorite." I think it's a sad commentary about how much media coverage there has been of Donald Trump since my almost 3 year old knows who he is. I'd also like to say that Elisha's political views do not reflect those of either of his parents. Anyway, since Andrew and I were so shocked to find out that he knows who Trump is, I think Elisha's been talking about him just to get a reaction out of us.

Some examples:
1) We were in the checkout line at Walmart today and there was a picture of Trump on a magazine. Elisha began stating excitedly, "Donald Trunk! Look! It's Donald Trunk!" (I think that may have been just as embarrassing as a temper tantrum).
2) This evening, I let him use my phone to watch a Mickey video on youtube and he ended up seeing the Fox News logo in the recently visited section of Safari. As he's clicking on the logo, he tells me, "I want to see Donald Trunk."
3) He was in a bad mood when he woke up one morning, then perked up as soon as he saw Trump on the screen.

In conclusion, I don't know where we went wrong in raising this child. Also, I hope he doesn't have some sort of sixth sense about who our next president will be.