My computer battery died a few weeks ago, so we bought another battery off of Amazon and the computer continued to work for about 5 minutes at a time. When that happened, I realized it had to do with the computer itself and we were going to have to break down and buy a new one. Since I had a boatload of paperwork to do and zero working computers, Andrew researched some on Amazon and found one that could be shipped to us the next day. He decided that the smart thing would be having it shipped to his school. We wouldn't be getting home until around 9pm the next night (Wednesday) and it would have been terrible if someone had stolen that particular box off of our porch (for the record, no one has ever stolen anything off of our front porch, but we weren't going to risk it with a $300 laptop). Well, as we discussed this, it started snowing a little outside. Neither of us thought anything of the snow and I went on my way to work feeling relieved that I would have a computer the next day. I got to my first kid's house and it continued to snow and snow. I ended up going home at 4pm, instead of at 5:30pm because my second session was canceled due to the snow. I thought, "This is great! I'll be home at 4:30 and have the house to myself for a couple of hours while Andrew and Elisha are at the gym." Wrong! It took me 1 hour and 45 minutes to drive home because the traffic was so bad.
Well, you can probably figure out where this is going... school ended up getting canceled the next day because the snow was way worse than anyone had anticipated. Andrew called Amazon to see if they could have the laptop delivered to our house, but it was too late. They said that we could call once we received the delivery confirmation, but there wasn't anything they could do in the meantime. Andrew saw the delivery confirmation at 7am the next morning and called immediately to see if they could deliver it to a UPS store. He also called one of his friends who works for UPS to see if he had any suggestions on how to track it down. He was finally able to get in touch with someone and they said that he could pick it up from the warehouse in Virginia Beach. He went to the warehouse and they told him that they didn't know where it was, so he would have to wait until they delivered it to the school.
We had another big snowstorm that was coming in that night, which meant that it probably wouldn't be delivered until Monday (5 days later). I had a lot of things that were due the next week, so I tried not to have a nervous breakdown about having to do a ton of paperwork in the span of 2 days. A few hours later, Andrew's friend from UPS called and said that he had been able to track down the computer! They met up and Andrew was able to bring her home to me that night.
I named her Bernice because every great laptop needs an old lady name. I also just looked up the meaning of Bernice and it's, "she who brings victory." I feel like that's appropriate after everything we had to do to get her home.